Python API

Sending from Python

You can send email in two ways, first the conventional way described in the Django documentation and second by using EmailHub’s template feature.

The conventional method is suited for email for which you don’t need editable templates or draft mode. The EmailHub email backend handle the linking with users if a user email is found in the to, cc or bcc fields.

The EmailHub template method uses the EmailFromTemplate class to create an email instance from a template:

from import EmailFromTemplate

msg = EmailFromTemplate(
    'template-slug-name', lang='en').send_to(user)

With custom context variables:

from import EmailFromTemplate

msg = EmailFromTemplate('template-slug-name',
            'somevar': some_var,
            'someothervar': some_other_var,

At this point the message isn’t really sent, it is wither in draft or in pending state. You can the email right away by calling send.

You can force send a message like so:


If the force argument is False (default) it will just mark the email as pending so it will be sent in batch with the cron job.

Email states

Email messages are always in one of the following state:

  • draft: message is still editable, will not be sent.
  • pending: message is waiting to be sent (via cron job)
  • locked: message is being sent, will result in either sent or error state.
  • sent: message has been sent (is an archive)
  • error: message has been sent, but the server returned an error. Sending will be retried until EMAILHUB_SEND_MAX_RETRIES has been reached.
>>> print(msg.state)
>>> print(msg.is_draft)
>>> print(msg.is_pending)
>>> print(msg.is_locked)
>>> print(msg.is_sent)
>>> print(msg.is_error)